Which Broadband Carrier is Best for You?


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Wireless carriers consistently claim that testing proves the best network, often referring to crowdsourced solutions as proof that one network is better than the competition. Unfortunately, carriers do not share any of that evidence, and the crowdsourced results depend on who downloads each vendor’s app and where those subscribers use the network. In other words, it’s hard to thoroughly analyze carrier claims and determine which network is truly best. …

Dadja, A. & Ross, J. (2018, July). Which Broadband Carrier is Best for You? MissionCritical Communications. https://www.rrmediagroup.com/Features/FeaturesDetails/FID/856/

Read the full article by Afeite Dadja and Joe Ross at https://www.rrmediagroup.com/Features/FeaturesDetails/FID/856/.